Consumer Tools


Which Companies are leading or falling behind?


Not too many of us have time to comb company websites and read through lengthy CSR/sustainability reports, so thankfully someone already does it for us. You won’t find every company here, but CSR Hub monitors, assesses, reports and provides peer2peer industry comparisons for nearly 20,000 major companies around the world, that regularly report on their ESG (Environmental / Social / Governance) performance.

With CSR Hub you can look up many of your favorite companies, and compare their performance against competitors through a dashboard interface. Pretty helpful, and interesting stuff!

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B-Corp Directory

If a company is a B-Corp, you can be pretty confident they are a leader in business sustainability.

"The B Corp community works toward reduced inequality, lower levels of poverty, a healthier environment, stronger communities, and the creation of more high quality jobs with dignity and purpose.” - B-Corp

The B-Corp Directory is easy to use, allowing you to search by company name, industry, country, region or territory. If the company you’re looking for is on there, it will bring you to a company profile, with B-Corp scores and breakdown based on environmental, social and governance performance in a user-friendly dashboard.

Search out your favorite B-Corps, see how they score and how they’re progressing over time.

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Corporate Knights Annual CSR / Sustainability Rankings

Each year, a research firm called Corporate Knights from here in Canada, publishes one the definitive corporate sustainability rankings lists.

“Corporate Knights Inc. includes the sustainable business magazine Corporate Knights and a research division that produces rankings and financial product ratings based on corporate sustainability performance.”- Corporate Knights

Annual lists like this, from widely-considered credible sources that publish public methodology, can be another handy way for consumer to see if the companies you support make the list, or not.

Check out the 2020 top 100 list:

As consumers, becoming aware of which companies are acting sustainably, and voting with our $, is one of the best ways we can affect change, locally and globally.

Right now, the largest group of consumers in the world are a groups called “Aspirationals”. They are defined by their shared willingness to invest more in sustainable products and services, vs. those that are not. We find a lot of hope in that, and encourage more of us to join them.